I moved to Virginia from NYC as a kid & left as a man. VA has given me everything, especially my friends.


This collection started out with just an idea and a hoodieback in January after watching the LV fashion show. Afterreceiving a huge amount of interest, I decided to makeit a whole collection this time around. LOVE VA.

I first met Hana at George Mason University - Johnson Center3rd floor. If you know you know. It’s where all the good kids hung out.We were good friends from the start (I think), and eventuallybecame one of my closest homegirls :)

Hana was actually my first ever girl model when I firststarted RRose. We used to be roommates with 2 others, and I would justdrag her out of her room and we would go shoot at our neighborhoodstreet in Hollywood. Look at us now!

Watching Pharrell with LV gave me that lightbulb momentbecause he’s also from Virginia. Yes he’s from 757 Virginia Beach.NoVA (where I grew up) and 757 are a completely different thingfor those of us that know, but you know what? I thought it was stillcool VA had the spotlight.

First fun fact - Milton (the photographer), was my first photographerwhen I started this journey! He was the one that shot my“Banded Korea” flag, and “Le Drapeau Du Champion”, the Frenchflag celebrating their World Cup 2018 victory. Milton is so talented.Check out his page and give him a follow.

Second fun fact - The model I used back then for my first everphotoshoot with Milton was a random person I found on Facebooklol. Always a good time with my brotha in the studio.We’re rewinding back the clock!

This day at the photoshoot was a blast, but I’m not sure if you can tellin the photos, Hana and I were hungover from the night prior. We hada casual drink session at my boy Jon’s new studio in DTLA with Mr. Jin.Learned my lesson, and probably won’t do that. Ever. Again.

I’m not sure if people are even reading these, but if you made it this far, thank you.Running a brand/small business is hard. Respect to those of you who have beendoing it longer than I have.

As I’m writing these captions, 75% of my brain is fried with preparing forComplexcon. Yes, RRose will be there again this year. This year it will bein Vegas. Come visit my booth yall. 11/16-11/17.Make a fun trip out of it. It’s Vegas!!!

Photoshoots are fun, but it’s a lot of work behind the scenes. It’s more than whatmeets the eye. People see the end product, and don’t think much of it, and rightly so.But just know that every little detail was thought out, cared for, and hours ofplanning took place for this one photo - freezing time for just a moment.

There was a moment during the photoshoot where I felt this randomenergy - that something special was brewing in the air. I just felt this burstof positive energy, a huge feeling of optimism of our foreseeable success.It felt like the universe was on my side.

The biggest challenge I face with running my brand is getting exposure. How do I do it in themost organic way, but at the same time, the most effective way? Still to be figured out…

For some reason during the photoshoot, I was yelling “SUE ME LOUIS VUITTON”while Milton was taking pictures of me. I’m not sure why, but please don’t sue me lol.Maybe to translate it better, I think it was me realizing that I have nothing to lose,but all to gain. Not just with this collection, but just with my everyday walk of life.

My dream was to be a soccer player but somehow I’m running a brand in 2024.Funny how life works.

I’ve been on an Entourage binge lately. Rewatching it all over again. Brought back so manymemories. I used to first watch it when I used to attend George Mason in my crammed collegehouse in Fairfax. We shared that house with about 6 other dudes. Our house was a shit show.

I worked many jobs before I got to do what I’m doing now. I used to be a production assistant ata creative studio in D.C. Holding up lights for the talent and grabbing them napkins after they atetheir doughnuts. And I did it for free! Lol


My team right here. Couldn’t have done it without youall on this day. Thank you. It was a blast and wouldn’ttrade these moments for anything in the world! To winis to make memories to one day look back to with a smile.